Monday, December 18, 2017

Vitamin D for healthy bone of a baby

Let's see what vitamin D is good for your health. And the development of the baby. Vitamin D can make the body you can absorb the minerals important 2 type is calcium and phosphorus, easier, which will lead to the development of bones and teeth of the baby. Also, the structure of these strong too.

If you don't get vitamin D in sufficient quantities during pregnancy. Maybe you have to risk the disorder in pregnancy, such as children with low birth weight. Vitamin D also helps the immune system so you can Take care of the baby's growth in the stomach.

Mother pregnant should get vitamin D?

You should get vitamin D in 10 micrograms per day during pregnancy. The amount of this rate with the general adults need.

Try to walk out to find some sun if you can. Because of the sun. By noon the day will help stimulate your skin you create vitamin D, which need to strengthen bones, your mother, and your bone development. To go out for a walk once a week 2-3 days, in the day that the non-transparent will help you feel relaxed and strong, and also makes the mother. Get vitamin D in sufficient quantities.

But if you want the vitamin from food. You can choose to eat these foods.

  • Fish such as salmon, sardines.
  • Eggs, especially the yolk.
  • Cereal supplement vitamin.
  • Vitamin supplement dairy products, such as milk and yogurt.

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